Support Local Charities & Organizations


Twylite Thursdays

The Pinnacle, in an effort to support local charities and philanthropic organizations, launched Twylite Thursday in 2008. Our goal is to provide organizations with the environment and support to hold a thriving and successful fundraising event. In addition to providing access to our facility, we can also provide event coordination support, food service, a cash bar, and an outdoor area for entertainment.

How Do I Get Involved?
Twylite Thursday participants are selected at random from all submitted applications. The application process timeline is listed below. If you would like to fill out an application please contact us.

Application Submission: November - December
Dates Picked | Assigned: January
Completed Contracts Due: February
Partners | Calendars Sent: March
Entertainment Requested: April
Flyers | Tickets: May
Twylite Event Happenings: June - September
Follow-Up | Surveys: October

Since Twylite Thursday launched, it has been met with overwhelming success and has been instrumental in helping hundreds of groups raise funds. We are thrilled to continue to provide this fundraising opportunity to non-profit organizations throughout Northwest Ohio and South East Michigan.

Twylite Thursdays on Our Terrace